Corporate Social Responsibility Policy

At Alhurra Diamonds, we are committed to upholding the highest standards of corporate social responsibility (CSR) for the benefit of our customers, employees, shareholders, and society at large. Our CSR policy applies to all members of the Alhurra Diamonds team and encompasses all aspects of our operations, including our supply chain and suppliers.

Our Vision

Our vision is rooted in the values that define our history and shape our future. As a brand with a legacy in the diamond industry, we constantly strive to surpass the boundaries of excellence. We are deeply aware of our heritage and take full responsibility for our corporate actions. We hold ourselves and our products to the highest standards to earn and maintain the trust our customers place in us.

The Principles
  1. Business Ethics:

    • We conduct our business ethically, with integrity, transparency, and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

    • We strictly prohibit engagement in bribery, corruption, money laundering, or financing of terrorism.

    • We adhere to the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme and the World Diamond Council's voluntary system of warranties to combat conflict diamond trade and protect human rights and the integrity of our supply chain.

    • We provide accurate disclosure of the material characteristics of our products.

    • We abide by antitrust regulations.

  2. Social Performance:

    • We respect and uphold fundamental human rights, as defined in the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights.

    • We do not tolerate child labor, forced labor, or any form of employment that restricts freedom of movement or violates human rights.

    • We prioritize high standards of health and safety in our operations.

    • We support freedom of association and open dialogue between management and employees.

    • We do not discriminate against any individual based on prohibited grounds, ensuring equal opportunities for all.

    • We prohibit corporal punishment, degrading treatment, harassment, abuse, coercion, or intimidation.

    • We comply with working hours and remuneration legislation and promote fair and competitive wages.

    • We take measures to ensure the physical integrity and security of our employees and product shipments.

    • We actively contribute to the social and economic development of communities linked to our activities.

    • We respect the rights of indigenous peoples and their cultural heritage.

    • Our supply chain adheres to the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas.

  3. Environmental Performance:

    • We conduct our business in an environmentally responsible manner.

    • We manage our environmental footprint by minimizing negative impacts resulting from our operations.

    • We strive for efficiency in waste management, water usage, and energy consumption.

    • We promote the use of environmentally friendly practices and alternatives where feasible.

    • We comply with relevant environmental regulations and seek continuous improvement.

Principle 1 - We conduct our businesses ethically:

  • We adhere to applicable laws and regulations, continuously improving our policy and standards.

  • We communicate our responsible vision and policy throughout our organization and to our business partners.

  • We maintain high ethical standards within our supply chain and align our purchasing policy accordingly.

Principle 2 - We do not engage in bribery and/or corruption:

  • We strictly prohibit bribery and corruption in all business transactions.

  • We protect employees who report concerns or refuse to engage in acts of bribery.

  • We do not accept any form of payment or advantage that could influence our business decisions.

Principle 3 - We do not tolerate money laundering and/or financing of terrorism:

  • We comply with national and international accounting and banking standards and processes.

  • We adhere to national and international laws related to money laundering, terrorism financing, and fraud.

Principle 4 - We adhere to the Kimberley Process Certification Scheme and the World Diamond Council's system of warranties:

  • We do not buy conflict diamonds and ensure our diamond purchases comply with the Kimberley Process and system of warranties.

  • We maintain invoices related to diamond purchases for a minimum of 7 years.

  • We suspend or terminate relationships with suppliers involved in conflict diamond trade, taking appropriate measures.

Principle 5 - We disclose the material characteristics of our products:

  • We comply with trading standards legislation and provide relevant information on product characteristics to our clients.

  • We avoid making untruthful or misleading statements in product promotion or advertising.

  • We maintain high standards of product quality, safety, and customer service.

Principle 6 - We act in accordance with antitrust regulations:

  • We comply with applicable anti-trust laws and regulations, ensuring fair competition and avoiding the exchange of sensitive information.

Principle 7 - We believe in and respect fundamental human rights:

  • We uphold the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights within our operations and with our business partners.

Principle 8 - We do not tolerate child labor:

  • We do not employ children and strictly adhere to the definition of child labor set by international labor conventions.

  • We comply with applicable employment laws, ensuring fair and legal employment practices.

Principle 9 - We do not use or support forced or bonded labor:

  • We adhere to recognized employment relationships and prohibit the use of any form of forced or bonded labor.

  • We respect the freedom of movement of employees and dependents.

Principle 10 - We are committed to high standards of health and safety:

  • We provide safe and healthy working conditions, implementing measures to prevent accidents and health issues.

  • We comply with regulations regarding workplace safety, including employee training and awareness programs.

  • We maintain appropriate facilities and work environments.

Principle 11 - We support freedom of association and parallel means of dialogue:

  • We respect the right of workers to associate freely and support dialogue between management and employees.

  • We encourage collective employee representation and ensure compliance with relevant laws and agreements.

Principle 12 - We do not discriminate in the workplace:

  • We prohibit discrimination based on various grounds and promote equal opportunities for all employees.

  • We respect religious and cultural practices within reasonable bounds.

  • We provide training to our employees to enhance their skills and foster a culture of inclusivity.

Principle 13 - We do not tolerate degrading treatment, harassment, or abuse:

  • We prohibit corporal punishment and any form of degrading treatment, harassment, abuse, coercion, or intimidation.

  • We establish grievance procedures and investigation processes, ensuring employee well-being and a safe working environment.

Principle 14 - We adhere to working hours and remuneration legislation:

  • We comply with working hour regulations and provide employees with appropriate rest periods and leave.

  • We adhere to legal provisions on remuneration, avoiding illegal deductions and ensuring fair compensation.

  • We maintain wage records and payment documentation in compliance with applicable laws.

Principle 15 - We take reasonable measures to ensure the physical integrity and security of employees and product shipments:

  • We implement measures to protect employees and product shipments, ensuring their physical integrity and security.

  • We promote the use of minimum force and respect human rights in security-related activities.

Principle 16 - We support the development of communities:

  • We actively contribute to the social and economic welfare of communities linked to our activities.

  • We encourage employee participation in community programs.

Principle 17 - We recognize and respect the rights of indigenous peoples:

  • We require our business partners to recognize and respect the rights and heritage of indigenous peoples.

Principle 18 - Our supply chain adheres to responsible mineral sourcing:

  • We comply with the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Supply Chains of Minerals from Conflict-Affected and High-Risk Areas.

  • We do not contribute to conflict financing and support measures to ensure responsible sourcing.

Principle 19 - We conduct our businesses in an environmentally responsible manner:

  • We comply with environmental regulations and standards, striving to minimize negative impacts.

  • We manage waste, water, and energy consumption, seeking to optimize environmental performance.

  • We promote the use of sustainable practices and alternatives where feasible.

Principle 20 - We manage our environmental footprint:

  • We incorporate appropriate environmental considerations into our processes, technologies, and products.

  • We educate our staff on pollution prevention and incident response procedures.

  • We ensure our workplaces meet required standards for lighting, ventilation, and other environmental factors.

Principle 21 - We ensure efficiency in waste, water, and energy management:

  • We reduce waste through responsible practices and encourage recycling and reuse.

  • We strive to reduce water and energy consumption in our operations.

  • We continually seek improvement in environmental performance within our supply chain.

At Alhurra Diamonds, we are committed to embedding these principles into our daily operations and working closely with our partners to create a sustainable and responsible diamond industry.